Saturday, November 12, 2016

Dancing around the feelings of others in open relating

I'm going to say something that I don't feel is being addressed. It seems we are dancing around feelings and trying to put out fires. This practice is about taking responsibility not managing someone else's vigilance of where they may or may not get triggered. We delve deep and it can definitely be done with tact, but it isn't anyone else's responsibility to take care of you. You can ask for what you want and you may or may not get it. Your response is up to you.

I remember before I started to OM watching jerry springer type women blame other women when their man violated their relationship agreements. I was always appalled by this, wondering how they could hold someone outside of their relationship accountable for what was inside of it. 

If a man cares about you and honors you, he will take responsibility for maintaining the connection with you through the makeouts and sticky spots. If you have asked for what you want, then it is a place where he can be adjusted. It is important for women to make sure their boundaries of asking for what they want are clear as possible. This is a very tough spot for women and it is always changing and is a spot that will continue to get worked with such a charged topic. if you are signing up for being in an open relationship, then you are agreeing to be taken out of control. 

Lastly, if your boundaries and what you are asking for is clear and he still doesn't honor that, then maybe it is time for you to get a man who cares enough for you to honor your connection first. But imo, it is not on the woman to make sure she maintains your relationship. We can have our own relationship with our integrity around this, but stop expecting others to tiptoe around your feelings and take responsibility.

I'd like to think we are much more evolved than what we'd see on jerry springer or in the world at large. We operate on connection and lifting each other up as the goddesses we are. Women truly are the most powerful when we connect and honor each other; it is society's way of conducting that tells us to tear each other down. We are rising above this and breaking  down our conditioning.

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